Lynette Ostendorf
Scholarship Award: $1000
I am a mother of two amazing young men, currently working under a Certified Nurse Practitioner at a private, women-owned and operated clinic, teach a fitness class, and am working on my personal training certification, and have been an active Board Member in my communities' Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Authorities.
Working with Nurses and in a more medical/cosmetic environment has shown me how much I value helping others both feel better and to improve quality of health and life. I started this company doing administrative and marketing roles but am looking forward to expanding my education to be licensed to do procedures alongside my amazing coworkers. I will be restarting my education in the field of esteology, and hope to continue on to more health and nursing related degrees.
Having any additional financial support helps me tremendously! I will commuting two hours a day to attend classes, need to find child care for my kids, and am seeking out second incomes. The financial stress will be a bit stifling, and I can't thank you enough for the generous gift of relief.
Only the best to you,
Lynnette Ostendorf